$400,000 CDD Budget Increase

The CDD has approved a proposed budget increase of $400,000 for Security Services.
A public hearing for final approval of the budget is set for July 26 2007 @ 6:00pm at the Waterstone II Clubhouse.

Current results of the Security/Budget Poll as of 8-10-07 9:00am:
104 - Neither, I do not want to pay more in Non-Ad Valorem taxes
42 - Hire two 24-hour uniformed off-duty Homestead police officers with marked patrol cars
45 - Hire three 24-hour uniformed security guards, one located at each of the three soft gates

The Poll question was not drafted by me, I asked another community leader to draft it, because prior comments suggested that my questions were biased/slanted. Although I created this Blog I do not consider it my private Blog. I have previously e-mailed all community presidents invitations to be a writer on this Blog. There is a link on the home page for anyone who would like to be a contributor/writer. I set up the Blog to allow anonymous comments because it will allow a free flow of comments without getting too personal.

As a CDD board member I am governed by the Fla Sunshine Laws and must be cautious of my comments in this forum, as I do not want to risk a violation. I will soon be posting responses to some of the posted items plus correcting and clearing up some incorrect statements. I am open to listening & speaking directly with any/all residents, so you can get "the rest of the story" I believe to properly represent residents I/we need to begin by listening to them. Angel Garrote 305-403-3007 Angel@HomesteadForSale.com.

Remember the CDD meeting minutes are available on
www.WaterstoneWay.com which is the best source for the Truth & Facts regarding the CDD.

Thanks for your comments and participation,
Angel Garrote

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Anonymous said...

Security is a cocern but increasing resident taxes by $200 a year is ridculous and not teh answer. I aleardy pay for a clubhouse that I can't use and now I'm going to pay more for a security guard that sits there and does nothing. You are going to start driving residents out of waterstone pretty soon with all these increases and empty services.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

IF each community is already paying for security measures, as well as we already having to pay for 24 hour security at the clubhouses, I see no need to pay for even more security. We already pay a ridiculous amount in non-ad valorem taxes

Anonymous said...

I think this proposal is completely unwarranted. It is another excuse for the CDD to inappropriately spend the money forced to be given by the communities without actually giving us anything. Frankly, I am appaled that the CDD would even ask for more.

Anonymous said...

I do not want to see soft gates installed in our community. As it is, many of our home owners are severly disabled by their taxes at the end of each year. Many, many homes in Waterstone are currently vacant. If such unaccountable spending of CDD dollars continues, no one will be able to afford to live in our community any more. And when that happens, well, so much for property values.

Anonymous said...

No more taxes please.

Anonymous said...

Because the budget was already approved I guess there isn't much to talk about. Why we are increasing taxes again this time to ourselves I do not know, but since it is already done I would vote for 3 security guards.

Anonymous said...

I prefer the soft-gate concept, but until the three soft gates are built, I will be willing to pay for off-duty Homestead police officers with marked patrols cars to provide us security. I will also be willing to pay them bonus to catch those stupid idiots who keep on driving on the grass off the Waterstone Way.

Anonymous said...

all gates should be manned along with a Homestead Police off duty officer patroling Waterstone.

Anonymous said...

Hiring Two Uniformed Homestead Police Seems a Much better than hiring Rent-A-Cops with no real power or desire.

Anonymous said...

We pay enough in taxes; we do not need an increase, now or ever!

Anonymous said...

No way... We are already paying for off duty police in neighborhoods, do not let these CDD crooks hit us for any more money...

Anonymous said...

NO way, No how... We already pay way too much taxes to CDD for community services we receive... As it is the values in Waterstone have dropped considerably and more taxes are not going to attract any new buyers...
We already pay tons of taxes to City of Homestead which should be supplying us with adequate security, at least one full time officer around the clock...

Anonymous said...

This sounds like another scam by CDD to rip us off for more tax monies... Ins't the Master Association in control of security issues... The sub-divisions already have private security patrols in place...
What is next for the CDD, why dont they just go ahead and build a new amusement park as well???

Anonymous said...

We pay enough in taxes; we do not need an increase, now or ever!

Anonymous said...

No more taxes please.

Anonymous said...

Greetings to all. I am so glad that someone told me about these postings. As usual, I see that Mr. Garrote continues his cowardly attempts to misinform everyone by providing anonymous postings and slanted polls that do nothing more than continue to divide, mislead, and prevent us from progressing as a community.

I agree that police officers are an important factor in our security concerns; however, I also feel that we (Waterstone taxpayers) pay a significant portion of the Homestead tax base. As such, I feel that Homestead should provide Waterstone permanently assigned officers. The security guards could work in conjunction with these assigned officers. Waterstone I has even offered an on-site office for the police officers.

Although the CDD board drafted a proposed budget, the final decision will not be made by the board until late July. By late June, we should know just how much our overall taxes will be reduced by state officials. That decision will be a large determining factor for the board to raise the CDD maintenance fee. So if the taxes are reduced by $2,000 and we raise the CDD maintenance by $200 then you will still pay $1,800 less than you did last year and you will have a much more secure community out of it.

Furthermore, I believe that if this security plan were in place, the neighborhood communities would not have the need to hire individual off-duty police officers. You must step back and look at the larger picture. Please remember that your CDD “taxes” ARE tax deductible, but your HOA fees are not. All board members that have hired security details know that if you were to pay for this level of security through your Master or Neighborhood associations you would not only pay 3 to 4 times as much, but you would not be able to deduct these fees from your personal income taxes. It’s funny how these facts are conveniently left out of the polls.

All I ask is that you do the research before you rush to judgment. This website is completely operated by Mr. Garrote. This is not an official website of the South Dade Venture CDD. In fact, the CDD board will be establishing an unbiased website soon. I am willing to speak to anyone about these proposals. Please write to me at diazdevillegas@comcast.net if you have any questions that would require FACTS.


Alexander Diaz de Villegas, Chairman
South Dade Venture Community Development District

Anonymous said...

Request HPD to do watch orders instead of hiring them

Anonymous said...

AWFUL!!!! the CDD Board LIED to US! They Promised if we ELECTED Homeowners to the BOARD They would Lower Our TAXES now they've done nothing but WASTE our money. I don't want to be Bilked out of another $200 in Taxes! you're nothing but a bunch of lying B@stards!!!

Anonymous said...

This is gettting to much already another increase is getting out of hand when you have a family and other expencies it's to much i said no for the increase.

Anonymous said...

First of all, we shouldn't have to pay for extra police security. As it is Waterstone is one of the biggest or the biggest neighborhoods in Homestead. Homestead is already getting plenty of their tax money from us. It should be enough to post a permanent police presence here as it is.
We are already paying for a clubhouse that we can't use. All of us are drowning in soaring taxes and unbelievable insurance premiums and you want us to pay more for police protection? Shouldn't the police be here as it is anyway?
Don't increase anything. You should be working to lower the CDD whenever possible, not increase it.
Now that being said, if you wonderful people do decide on a $400,000 increase and you find that you have to use it on something, then IT SHOULD BE ON A NECESSITY LIKE SECURITY. REAL POLICE OFFICERS IN REAL PATROL CARS.

P.S. Please don't waste a penny of my money on something as ridiculous and useless as a boat storage area.

Anonymous said...

Extra POLICE security is good. I'd rather not pay any more extra taxes, but if it's for a necessity like security, then yes. $20 a month more is a necessary evil.
But again only if it's for a necessity like police security and only if it's reasonable. I can accept $20.

Anonymous said...

You've got to be kidding!!! RIGHT??? I thought the proposed refinance was in order to afford the soft guard.

We are going to be paying taxes on guards that are not there and really don't care. Just like the CLUB HOUSE. It is very discouraging that what we bought into is not what is actually happening. This why people don't go to the meetings. The communitys voice does not determines what happens!!!

Anonymous said...


We HAVE to be Anonymous. Because We DON'T TRUST YOU
"Mister Protect and Serve"
You have become way TOO powerful for your Position and we FEAR your Police Status. You have already LIED to us so what makes you think we can TRUST you again? you are WASTING CDD MONEY ON "YOUR" PROJECTS!
At Least Mr. Garrote has the GUTS to stand up to you!

Anonymous said...

I already pay $6000 in taxes to pay for item 2 above (police). This off-duty thing only fuels them not coming in the area to esure we pay even more out of our pocket to get police protection. The soft gates are a joke and will accomplish nothing but cause traffic jams. Let the individual HOAs take care of thier own gates.

Anonymous said...

Alex instead of bashing on Angel for running this site which you obviously do not like, why do you not explain the soft gate concept. The guards that we will be paying for cannot stop anyone from entering Waterstones CDD areas. They can only stop visitors and take down name, liscense plate etc. On top of this the plan is to just open the gate during rushhour times to prevent traffic jams. The plan is to leave the Campbell side open for the charter school to get in and out. This in effect means the gates will serve absolutely no usefull purpose during morning rush hour, the schools morning arrivals, the afternoon rush hour and when the school dismisses. How many hours a day is that. There will be no roving patrol. So the security concerns of people coming in via the canal under the turnpike will not be stopped. The criminals coming in via the orchards on the southeast side will not be stopped by this. How many criminals are driving in anyways. Most of the communities already have gates to stop vehicle access to thier areas. So this makes this a $200 a year charge to provide the security that my already outrages property taxes are supposed to be paying for. And Alex I take complete offense on your comment of if the city gives us a $2000 tax break then with your increase I am still seeing $1800 in less taxes. That is the stupidest justification of a tax increase ever! The point is it is $200 dollars of my hard earned money! Just because the city is not wasting it does not give the CDD the right to waste it.

And say what you want about this site. At least Angel is telling people what you are doing because you sure are not. Even given a chance here you would rather bash on Angel then tell what you are doing. You have been on the CDD since November. You have done some good stuff. Entrance pavers, fences etc. Yet in all this time you have not gotten a website, bulletin board or a Newsletter. You hold your meeting a 1 pm when most people are at work and cannot attend. You have done one town hall meeting. It is clear that if not for Angel the CDD would remain in complete secrecy and do whatever it wants. Angel must be quite a thorn in your side since he dares to educate the masses about what you are doing. Since you are not.

Thanks Angel.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please allow me to respond to the above:

#1 I have no problems with this site. What I do have a problem with is the utilization of this site for the promotion of misleading information. If this were an unbiased site that actually provided ALL of the FACTS, then most people could actually form an intelligent decision. And yes, we are working on a newsletter and an official website. We felt that because the cost of a newsletter and its mailing would be high, we could share the cost of printing and mailing by dividing the costs between Waterstone I, Waterstone II, and the CDD who would each have one page on the 4-page newsletter. The 4th page would be reserved for advertising to defer the cost even more (more for less). This is one of the items we just added to our proposed budget. We apologize for not getting this newsletter and website formed sooner, but we have been on this board for only six months. I have attempted to keep fellow residents informed by a series of e-mails. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to maintain a website and I have a limited distribution list.

#2 Mr. Anonymous: If you do not trust me or fear me simply because I happen to be a police officer, then it’s possible that you may be one of those that I am sworn to “protect” us from. Also, please let me know when, where, and how I lied and kindly support your accusations with facts.

#3 Our meetings are held at 1pm because they can last up to five hours. If we were to move the meetings to 6pm that would mean that these meetings could adjourn at 11pm.
I personally would not be able to attend after 9pm because I have to go to my paying job. Other board members have family obligations as well. The Waterstone taxpayers would have to spend thousands of dollars more in overtime costs for our professional staff to attend during these hours. The town hall meetings were created by Ms. Ochoa to provide a venue for residents to voice their concerns and ask questions on a quarterly basis. Additionally, we have moved the budget meeting to the evening to allow the residents to voice their concerns before we vote. Our meeting minutes are published “word-for-word” and are readily available on this website. I don’t see how we are trying to hide anything.

#4 The refinancing benefits would be dedicated to the construction/retro-fitting of the guard shacks. The proposed $176 (NOT $200) a year from each one of the 2,269 homes within Waterstone would be the maintenance cost of employing at least 3 security guards for each one of the guard shacks 24/7 and the maintenance of the equipment. The proposal includes among other things, a License Plate Recognition Camera (LPR) that electronically registers every vehicle in the visitors’ lanes.

Furthermore, the registration process for the resident access barcode decals, will give the neighborhood associations more leverage to identify unauthorized renters within our neighborhoods. I feel that by identifying these unauthorized renters, the associations will be able to perform the required background checks and possibly identify the potential criminals within our community. As such, we will create a much safer living environment. Additionally, these soft gates have been proven to deter and reduce crime statistics. The truth is that most residential burglaries occur in the mid day and most vehicle burglaries occur during the night and mid morning hours. The soft gates should be 100% operational during both those times. I’m not saying that the soft gate proposal is the cure-all, but if we were to combine a dedicated Homestead police officer with the three security guards, I am convinced that we will form a powerful defense against criminal activity.

#5 I completely agree that we should NOT have to pay extra for police services. This is why I do not feel comfortable paying for such. We feel that the City should provide dedicated police services and we will make every effort to make that happen with your support. Again, the ideal situation would be to have the association employees, security guards and assigned police officers working together and in constant communication with one another.

Example Scenario: The police prepare a bulletin for a wanted residential burglar driving a green mini-van. The guard working the shack spots a green mini-van and communicates with the assigned police officer of such. The police officer stops the green mini-van. The occupants are possibly arrested before they commit another burglary in Waterstone.

You may not believe this, but this type of scenario happens just about every day in gated communities. The problem is that you can not measure how much crime you have deterred.

#6 If what Walter says is true; If your homeowners’ insurance would be reduced by at least $200 a year, then why not implement this proposal. Thank you, Walter.

Bottom Line:
If we did not feel that there was a great need for this proposal, then we would have never proposed this idea. Remember that we pay these taxes and assessments as well. The fact of the matter is that Waterstone (as a whole) does have a crime problem that requires a long-term solution. Please understand that my intention is not to demean anyone. I respect everyone’s opinions; however, I will no longer sit on the sidelines and watch someone intentionally mislead you by not providing all of the facts. Again, if you want facts, I am dedicated to providing them for anyone, but please do not make any judgments without ALL of the facts.

Thanks for caring enough about your community to read this lengthy post,

Alexander Diaz de Villegas, Chairman
South Dade Venture Community Development District

Anonymous said...

Please explain what this soft gate will actually accomplish. You talk about barcodes, renters, I thought we were stopping crime? The idea that the gate will allow anyone to come past makes them useless in my mind. The fact that the gates will then be left open during certain times to prevent traffic backup, which is definitely a potential problem, make them further useless. Lets discuss this. I am not against improved security. I am not against gates. I am against a increase in my assessment to pay for something that may be a little bit effective, but not nearly as effective as it is being made out to be. What is the current crime rates in Waterstone? How many are being committed via vehicles driven into the areas? Do the areas that these crimes are occurring in have operational gates? Looking at the Miami-Dade website the crimerates in Waterstone are already significantly below the surrounding areas. I know several crimes have occurred within my area, but these were done along the Orchard side and the criminals did not come in via a vehicle, they walked in. How do we stop pedestrians and criminals on bikes? I have also heard complaints of criminals coming down the canal under the turnpike. This gate will not fix this problem. Have we done a study on the crime rate, type of crimes commited (gates will not stop a guy from walking in and stealing a car and driving out), mode of entry etc. Most organizations will not spend $400,000 on a project that is not fully researched. Show me the numbers!! Show me how this will lower crime!! Use the other communities that have used soft gates!! What has happened to thier crimerate? Will this lower insurance rates? I saw one blog that says it will. Show me the numbers. I do not want to hear we THINK this is a good idea. Really show me why it is a good idea!!


Anonymous said...

I have read the comments and agree that we should not be adding extra security guards. I am in Law Enforcement and see no need to add security guards that don't do or prevent anything. Each subdivision has taken measures to secure their community - gated - some have double gates and mine even has cameras - so why the need for the security guards? There are many communities that are not gated and have no security and the crime rate is no different. There is no justification to add security guards. Also, many of our homes are vacant, in foreclosure, can not be rented and won't sell yet you want us to pay more? Why would someone want to buy in Waterstone? No one can afford it! The taxes are extremely high and now you want the homeowners to pay more for nothing! Brandie Tardie Portofino Lakes

Anonymous said...

We as homeowners are paying more than enought on our taxes and to add more it will destroy more dreams from families and more foreclosure homes in our communities, homestead is growing and it will take 4-5 years to get decent enought for good working people to move down south to homestead. I myself am selling my home under the market just to get out of homestead for good as it was the worst ever decision that I made for my family. Everyone is getting greety and wants to spend and spend with recklessness and no limit in sight, more spending in the middle of a crisis is not the answer with lots of empty homes in every community in waterstone I & II. Don't believe me just walk around in your community don't have to go that far. And 2-1 vote in favor only proves how reckless the CDD is been handled right now by people with no experience and no clue on what their doing. But that's just me a disappointed homeowner with a bad sour taste in my mouth. Hope someone can keep my comments for 5 yrs and we all will realize our big mistake we did to allow not qualified CDD members run our community. Good luck to all!!

Anonymous said...

We shouldn't be fighting in the first place. It is obvious That The Soft Gates are Impossible because they are way too close to the Main Roads. Any Engineer knows that. Why do we want to create massive traffic backups?

Anonymous said...

I would like to introduce myself, Douglas Henry. And a note to Alex Diaz de Villegas, would you like a campaign manager? Just kidding. I learned a long time ago never critize the person, we can critize the idea. As for Gated/Guard entrances-Yes their is a discount off your Insurance of more then $200.00. And those of you who have a seperate Wind Policy need to contact us. We have over a Dozen Carriers that write Homeowners. Especially with Wind=1 POLICY, in Waterstone. Just as Alex was saying, get the facts. Fact are that most Insurance Agancies only have Citizens for Insurance. Again, we have over a Dozen Carriers. Anytime anyone wants a free quote, call us. We save an average client $3000.00 a year off their existing policy. Thats a fact. Thank you and God Bless. Sorry I do not Google/Blogger, www.communityinsurancegrp.com

Anonymous said...

I disagree with this increase. We are paying $92/month for our POA, another $27.00 (give or take) when the clubhouse opens and now they want to raise us another $200 a year on the $1200 we pay currently for non-ad valorem taxes!!!!! This is really getting out of hand. Not to say that it's not a valid expense but I just find that this is getting too expensive. It is just too much already!!!

Anonymous said...

My friend we are paying for the club house increase already for an invisible club house since May 1st, also some communities from what I understand were not even paying a dime and now they have to catch up.

Anonymous said...


#1 You have made it well known to many people that you HATE Angel, don't play games, don't deny it. Angel didn't mislead anyone, all he did was post a simple question with three simple answers. If you don't like what the people are saying, don't attack Angel for it. attack us instead. but Like I said, we are too afraid of you.

#2. No, you don't need to protect the community from me. Sadly, I am one of your supporters. But yes, you did lie. You promised that if you were on the CDD, you would lower our taxes, instead our taxes are going up. Not doing what you Said = Falsehood = Lie.

#3. If you can't make the meetings or have other obligations, than well, you shouldn't be on the board at all. Plain and simple.

#4. Hmm... Lets see, Refinancing....... You said that you would refinance the bonds to LOWER our taxes.... Our taxes aren't being lower... Opps same LIE! Caught you!

#5. Security Guards... Lets see.. security guards have no legal authority to stop anyone, they can't touch you, they are useless, they sit on their butt or are afraid of the people they are suppose to stop or heck! They have Criminal Records themselves! they probably let the green mini-van in! You being a Police Officer know what powers they LACK. Lets see, If your scenario happens in every community with guards, than why does Malibu Bay or Portofino West have such Large Crime Problems? Maybe because it doesn't work as you think and we don't want to pay for those failures.

#6. Hmm... Lets see. free advertisement from a supporter? But who cares, We pay more for CDD taxes and we save money from the homeowners insurance. We break EVEN. That doesn't SOUND Like we SAVE any money at all. It sounds like we break even.

Wasn't the whole point to SAVE money in the first place? But why should I care, I need to sell my house cause I can't afford to stay here anyways.

Anonymous said...

Can't write much now, but...just a note to our esteemed, illustrious president...just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean they are cowardly.

Anonymous said...

"Although the CDD board drafted a proposed budget, the final decision will not be made by the board until late July. By late June, we should know just how much our overall taxes will be reduced by state officials. That decision will be a large determining factor for the board to raise the CDD maintenance fee. So if the taxes are reduced by $2,000 and we raise the CDD maintenance by $200 then you will still pay $1,800 less than you did last year and you will have a much more secure community out of it," -Chairman
South Dade Venture Community Development District
Our property taxes might be reduced by approximately $2000???
It warms my heart that there are still those of us who believe in fairy tales.


See that article. The legislators met and from one end they tell you they're doing everything to lower your taxes and then from the other end they are going to raise your taxes.
Here's some of it in case you don't want to cut and paste.

TALLAHASSEE -- State lawmakers have spent most of the legislative session debating how to cut property taxes -- yet they passed a state budget Thursday that depends on a half-billion-dollar increase in property taxes levied by schools to make the numbers work.

Notice the word increase. I'm all for schools don't get me wrong, it's just the thought that there are still some of you out there who dream about a tax reduction in the neighborhood of $2000...well like I said it's nice that some of you still believe in the tooth fairy.

Unfortunately I have to live in the real world.

Anonymous said...

I was one of your original supporters. You led me believe that CDD and Waterstone II were being mismanaged and as homeowners we needed to take control. I collected votes for your CDD campaign, but I must say I am disappointed that either you changed once you gained power or I was fool and I didn't see the signs of someone with a greed for control and power.
I agree with most homeowners that it is apalling to see our taxes will continue to increase from the most unexpected source. I was under the impression the CDD contribution was a set amount for 30 years. I remember you saying that it was important to refinance the bonds to lower our CDD. Obviously your views have changed and you have no intention of honoring that promise. A man's word is his bond, if one loses that there is little left of substance.
I agree that most homeowners felt they were getting a good bargain when they purchased in Homestead, but soon realized it was a financial trap when the market cooled and I know many are stuck either trying to sell, sitting and watching for an opportunity, or trying to rent their homes at a loss. Many homes are either being foreclosed by the primary mortgage or by the association for lack of paying dues.
As for the soft gates, I've read the differents views and I feel that it would be more of an inconvenience for us than a deterrent of crime and at a high cost. I don't see it as a $176 increase, but $1376.00 continuous reminder of the CDD presence and unfortunately I don't think it will stop there as I feel you'll find ways and justifications to keep increasing the CDD contribution if you remain in control.
In regards to Angel's website, if it wasn't for his email, I would not even be aware that a meeting was taking place to take a vote on increasing the budget. I don't know Angel, but I appreciate his efforts. I think he is more of an advocate of representing the interesting of the homeowners of Waterstone given the current situations we are all facing.
Alex, I know you have good intentions, but I think most times you don't see or care to hear what homeowners are expressing when they say enough is enough. Portofino member

Anonymous said...

This is reply from your e-mail last night Alex for everyone to read:

Mr. Diaz,

I read your e-mail and to start you can't take criticisms from anyone specially from Mr. Garrote, don't know any of you two but I know your a police officer from some county with to much power and no control and Mr. Garrote is trying to let everyone know of his idea on what's good for our community. You have your believes like everyone else but yours are to an extreme that will crush a ton of families in our communities by running away from Homestead or loosing their home by not being able to afford to pay everything including the proposed increase. And the mentality that your board has about investor will suffer for overbuying at the long run we all loose because they are able to sell for a lot less than what we all can in our individual homes, can you drop your price around $50,000 to sell right now if you need to for whatever reason. You don't have answer I know your answer. I went to the link for the first time (waterstoneway.com) and I felt I wasn't crazy on my own believes where our community is heading, so I also did add a comment myself and I can tell you it wasn't Mr. Garrote. You don't believe in the web site but you by posting your comments and some of your followers do by selling home insurance there (Mr. Jenkins).

Believe when I tell you I know you want waterstone to become the next Doral but it will never happen, just look at Kendall. Everyone that has lived in Miami for over 10 yrs should know this and Mr. Diaz your big ideas will not work here because we are hard working people that don't have $80,000 or more in our accounts, because I would be living in Doral not in Homestead. I know that my comments mean nothing to most of you but I hope someone will wake up and first take care of our present problems and not mismanage the CDD money, what is Homestead doing for us, nothing. That's why the CDD was created to the city money goes somewhere else, has anyone bothered reading the proposed letter with all the promises Mr. Warren (Major) and nothing is getting done. I've been two years at homestead with big regrets of moving my family to this nightmare and no way out with lots of promises and nothing is getting accomplished.

It was just funny on one of your proposals about putting a boat storage on waterstone II, how would you feel if the county did that close to your home. Can you imagine the traffic that will create for the residents living in waterstone II, that's right you wouldn't know because it's not your back yard. Waterstone I has been open what 3-4 yrs, why replace the pavers. Waterstone II needs a great entrance like that too, pavers and a nice waterstone II entrance. That's right it's not a priority to spend any money where the big shots live. We are paying an extra $30.00 monthly for an invisible club house, that's right the club house needs new furnitures and maintenance and who knows what else. Spending and spending and not thinking of the crisis homeowners are going through on just not loosing their home. Right now any type of increase will only sink more families into depth with no way out but to only call your bank to take over the home.

How do you expect homeowners to follow you with all this going on, maybe it's just me going crazy MENTALLY CRAZY!!

At the long run I hope the board can make the right decisions for the community not individual goals. I can tell you this much I for sure won't be around to find out, good luck to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Guys, there's got to be a way that we can:

A $400,000 increase in the CDD budget should be something that we can each have a vote.

With all due respect to our wonderful CDD board, I don't feel comfortable with 5 people deciding what happens to the hundreds or thousands that live in Waterstone.

We're literally talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars here. Putting that much power into the hands of five people or even three when a couple of them dont show up for a vote...well, like I said, I'm not comfortable with that.

These are all important issues that WE ALL SHOULD HAVE A SAY in.

Now obviously the CDD board may take exception to this, but there's got to be a way to change/ammend the rules so that we can all VOTE.

1. We would have to ammend the CDD.
2. How would we vote?

1. We live here. We should be able to ammend the CDD. We are homeowners just like the board members. We should all be allowed to have a say in what affect all of us.
2. The same way that our wonderful association can send us wonderfully "friendly" violation letters whenever grass grows in between my driveway pavers, well that might be a way to send us either ballots or notice to go and VOTE.

VOTE guys, it's the only fair way to do it. It may not be perfect but at least we can avoid one or two people taking over and doing things their way at the cost of everyone else's right to choose what's done with our community and our money.

Anonymous said...

To Everyone,

I hold my integrity to be my strongest value. To have anyone inappropriately imply that I lied is not only untruthful but a personal insult to my character. I as well as some others, have done nothing but sacrificed myself and my family for the betterment of this community. I have said numerous times, my initial intentions were to lower these crazy CDD assessments; however, after hours upon hours of research and education, I, and others, have learned that the refinancing benefits would be minimal ($20 – $50 depending if you live in Waterstone I or Waterstone II). We analyzed the benefits of investing back into the community. The truth is that we would be much better served investing back into this community and increasing its value and marketability and therefore attracting those good families to live here. It is unfair to flat out blame the CDD on the rate of homes for sale of foreclosures. There are approximately 400 homes in foreclosure at the nearby Oasis communities and they do not have a CDD. Also, I was told that they pay over $200 a month for their HOA assessments.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why anyone would be afraid of me. Contrary to anyone’s opinion, I DO NOT hate anyone. I may strongly disagree with Mr. Garrote’s tactics but hate is not in my heart.

Back when most would sit on the sidelines and complain about all the problems in Waterstone, very few sought to solve those problems. Now we present a viable solution to one of the main concerns and all that some can do is continue to complain even though it has been stated over and over that the insurance discount would off-set this benefit regardless of whether or not it actually deals with the security concerns, why wouldn’t you take advantage of this fact? Where are the alternate solutions? Has anyone stopped to ask themselves why I (or any other board members) would put themselves before this fire? Simple answer; we follow our conscience!

Regardless, I do remain open-minded. I have heard all of your concerns and I will represent the majority as I have promised to do. All I ask is that you take the time to educate yourself on the issues before you come to any conclusions. The good news is that my term will end in November of 2008. At that time, I have absolutely no intention of participating on this board. Unlike some, I have no hidden agenda and no political aspirations. I am just a resident that has dedicated 100’s of hours to solving the problems that plaque our community while trying to get the most from our dollars. I respect EVERYONE’s opinions; however, I will not continue to write in this blog because it is taking too much time away from my family commitments. I ask that everyone present their logical thoughts in person at the budget meeting on July 26th, 2007.

Thank You,

Alex Diaz de Villegas, Chairman
South Dade Venture Community Development District

Anonymous said...

People!!! Get your facts before you make your conclusions. I hear over and over again about the club house and Homeowners maintanace fees. Why is this getting tied with the CDD? Alex didnt create the CDD, MAster Association and Community Homeowners Associations. These were already in place when each one of us purchased our homes.
We are all in agreement with our high cost of living in Homestead but cutting back on what would make your home values increase is not the answer. You say he has a hidden agenda but yet on this same website I have read word for word what goes on in these meetings. I don't understand how you cannot appreciate the time he has spent to get us were we are today and what he plans for the future. If an additonal $15 dollars a month will keep my family safe than that is money well spent. The fact is the CDD is here to stay and there nothing we can do about that. So why not maker a safer and better community. The soft gate concept sounds good to me. Why would we be against deterring crime away from Waterstone? You ask how many crimes are commited with vehicles, I don't know about you, but if I see someone with a plasma walking down Waterstone Way will absolutely catch my attention.How about the vehicles that ride on Waterstone Way using it as a shortcut travelling 50 mph. I see this every day as well as dozens of families using the bike paths. Wouldn't this also act as an accident detterent? Seems to me like some of you are not looking at the positive outcome but choose to blame the CDD for our high taxes. Last time I looked at my $6200.00 tax bill, only $1200 is the CDD. Shouldn't we be attacking the other portion of our taxes????????????????????

Anonymous said...

You have got to be crazy!!!!!
How much is enough? After security tax then what? Make up something else. Give us value for the money we are payiny already.More cluck for the buck.

Anonymous said...

Yes we should be attacking the other portion of the taxes but I'm pretty sure you don't want your premiums to increase on your taxes and home insurance. example on 2005 I paid $2200 on home insurance and last year I paid $2650, over $400 on increase. We are just assuming on tax breaks and lower insurance on the new proposal, but we should not assume we have to be sure it will happen. I would love to see waterstone like the gables but it will take time. Alex is trying with the rest of the board but an increase right now on something to improve the security on the proposal will not deter burglaries 100%. Just drive to malibu bay and try to go in and I promise you will have a hard time going in but that is not stopping the crime in there, is only lowering the %. They have something close to this proposal and it's not helping them much. I personally don't know Alex but I think his trying but again no one at this time increasing our tax is not a good thing right now.

Anonymous said...

I can understand the genesis of the discussion. Unfortunately the discussion has gotten side tracked because emotions, as they tend to do has gotten in the way.

It's obvious to anyone that has ever attended a CDD meeting that Angel & Alex don't get along, such is life so what can you do? People are what they are and once you come to terms that everyone is not going get along you will be happier because of it.

Part of the problem here in Waterstone is that many homeowners and investors did not look before they leapt. Whether it was the $100K that they thought they were going to make, By-laws & Covenants that they failed to read, the CDD line item on their HUD One when they closed on the house or the miscalculation in their finances once they got here. All fingers point to the homeowners when you speak of the expense to live here. You can see this in the bogs, every other one is saying that they will leave Homestead. Well, I wonder where they are going. Property values north and south are higher with the same or higher taxes. Can you hear the emotions in the conversation? That is what got these people here in the first place. Emotions have no place in business. When you are talking about money, its business. The conversation requires logic; logic and emotion are diametrically opposed. They do not belong in the same conversation.

Obviously no one wants to spend more money on anything. The more money you spend the less money that you will have right? But the question is what makes sense. Does it make sense to spend two hundred dollars more a year for something that will add perceived value? The next question should be how much more can I expect in return? If you can get another $5,000.00 in equity in your house for a mere $200 a year it make sense right? $200 a year is $16.00 a month. That's two movie tickets or a meal at a fast food restaurant. How much did you spend on Miguel's XBox 360 or his Nintendo DS? No one wants to be told how or what to spend their money on. But let's face it people we waste money all of the time. We don't save or invest we waste. This $200 dollars a year is an investment whether you like it or not and whether the gates will add real security or not is up in the air. The perception is that it will and so it shall be. Just ask your insurance company. They perceive it to be less risky to insure you so they charge you less.

Sixteen dollars a month is not going to put homeowners on skid row. If sixteen dollars does you were in big trouble before this motion was set forward and you need to get a grip on your finances.

I've had the pleasure of meeting both Alex and Angel. Both good people in their own right with two different management styles. If they were more patient they could learn something from each other. Most jobs require a velvet glove or an iron fist but rarely both. These two guys haven't figured out what the jobs require.

The next issue I want to touch on is community participation; Most of us never get involved when we should. We are always reactive not proactive, which is why we always find ourselves in a "fix" then we look to point the finger at others. It's never our fault it's his/her fault. If we'd just do the leg work beforehand we'd find things much more manageable and less emotional. Many of you don't agree with the CDD Board and some have even stated that they don't like particular people on the CDD Board why is that? Is it because you feel that they have all of the power? The real power lies in you (the people) but unfortunately the masses are a product of their environment where leaders make their environment a product of them. The best thing you can do as homeowner is to get involved stay involved and hold the members accountable. This is not just a problem here in Waterstone but on the national level as well. It's easy to become disenfranchised when you take your rights and way of life for granted. Many of you fail to realize that the "active" members on the CDD actually care about Waterstone. If they didn't they wouldn't be on the Board. (Did I mention it doesn't pay you one red penny?) Some of the bloggers have never gotten involved in anything that matters and when the opportunity presents itself to do so they have no time for it. But they have time to complain and they never provide a viable solution to the problem. The Board has been given the power to make decisions on behalf of the community because a long time ago someone was able to determine that human nature will dictate that the masses are indifferent so a minority will have to shoulder the weight of all matters or nothing will get done. Therefore you have this Board and others throughout Waterstone that are struggling to make the best decisions for our communities because the people of the community will provide no guidance but will give you an over-abundance of complaints instead. On the face of it, it make look like Alex is forcing his "pet projects" down your throats but in reality he is trying to determine what will bring the best value for Waterstone. Aside from the homeowners being absentee in the decision making process and holding the Board accountable, you should be upset that the other two Board members never show up. If they live in your community you should be knocking on their doors telling them how to vote.

I know that the issues are far more complicated than the $200 increase and their are a great number of issues that need to be considered. However keep this in mind; "If you are not an agent for positive change you are a part of the problem." Get a handle on your finances and make an invest in your community; you'll be happy that you did.

Martin King
Portofino Lakes, POA

Anonymous said...

I want to address your comments about getting involved. I have lived here only 10 months. I attended every HOA meeting in that time but 1. I cannot go to the CDD meetings because I cannot leave work in the middle of the day to attend a 1 pm meeting. I would get fired from my job and then I would not be able to pay for anything. The CDD had a town hall meeting at a time I could attend and guess what? I went to the meeting so did a lot of other homeowners. I read the blogs about why the meetings cannot be moved. I say BS. If meeting really are taking 5 hours I would say that the management companies we are paying money too via the CDD are not doing there job. If they prepared for the meeting and gave the board info before the meeting to review the meetings should go faster. If that still will not work then have more frequent but shorter meetings. If I sound ignorant of the workings of these meetings you are 100% right and I will remain ignorant because guess what? I cannot go to one. EVER! if they are at 1 pm on Thursdays. So with that being said, this blog is the only way I get info about what the CDD is doing. I would not know there was a vote on this proposal if not for this site. The CDD does not advertise anything that comes out of the meetings. No website nothing. They say they want a website. Well this site is run by one of the CDD board members. It is a public forum. It has been around for a while and the CDD could use it. So why don't they? It seems they are trying to operate behind closed doors so they can push thier agenda along with no interference from the majority. This may not be the actual case. But it is the perception and to most people perception is reality.

Alex, I understand that you put in a lot of time and effort in a thankless job. I thank you for that. All I am asking is for more info on this subject. Where is the written proposal? Where are the proposed budget paperwork? When is the meeting for this going to be? Will we be given any info before the meeting or will we have a ton of info dumped on us so there is no way to review it and be educated to have a educated discussion. Again I cannot come to the 1 pm CDD meetings to see this info and the meeting minutes are posted so far after a meeting they will be useless in this case.

Waiting to be informed,


Anonymous said...


I agree with you on all points we are definetly in the minority when it comes to putting our money where our mouths are.

From my perspective things do take time to materialize and I am not chosing sides. I've been on the Portofino Lakes Board and it's another full time job. We all have a list of priorities that we think is important. The trick is to sync up with the decision makers and make things happen. Remember we are all given only 24 hours in a day, that's it. The CDD was selected to represent Waterstone so we have to make them acountable or they can hit the road.

I understand that everyone cannot or will not make every meeting. That is almost impossible and not necessary. The real issue here is how do we as a group of people define value. Their is no silver bullet, their is no ideal situation as to how the money should be spent because someone will always be unhappy. Unfortunate but true. So bottom line is show the homeowners fiscal responsibility and value. Everything else is BS.


Anonymous said...

The CDD have already grossly mismanaged the budget. What has happened to the clubhouse that should have been opened months ago? It has already been landscaped twice. What about the furniture and fixtures that were stolen from there? despite the "presence" of security? somebody is profiting from these taxes and its ont the residents. Better choice would be let every community have their own security system. We are already payiny a hefty price for keeping ours safe.

Anonymous said...

Replace the two Board Members that never show up. They have no vested interest in the community. Especially the guy that is selling his house in Portofino Lakes.

Anonymous said...

Again. The club houses are in no way tied with the CDD. There are three seperate entities within Waterstone(Homeowners Association, Waterstone Master Association, and the CDD) Please stop tying them together. Not a penny of the taxes paid to the CDD is being invested into the club houses. We continue to see the miscommunication going on on this blog. The town hall meeting clear up a lot of the issues residents were not aware of.
Please keep in mind, roughly 75% of the tax we pay to the CDD goes to pay the BONDS taken out by the developers.

Anonymous said...

Earlier someone mentioned that we should vote on these issues that are coming up.
What would be the problem with voting?
We all have an equal interest in the things that are going on here.
Most of us are homeowners, all with an equal stake in what happens in this community.
Yet the decisions for the CDD are being made by a small group of 5 people some of which don't even show up to vote.

Why can't we all vote?

What are you afraid of?

Anonymous said...

This is the way it works. You need to trust the residents who are on the board who by the way are not paid for the time they dedicate to your community. The boards spends hours in their meetings resolving tons of issues that do not involve increasing the budget. No one gives them credit for their efforts. Now, they have a great idea in the works which will require a very minor investment($15.00 / month) and all of the sudden we all want to get involved. Has anyone stop to think what this will do to our property values? Who in their mind would not want to protect their loved ones? Lets be more realistic, $15.00 a month isn't going to put out anyone out of their homes.

Anonymous said...

Most on individual communities have gates and contracted homestead police, why now do we have to do something bigger?? Yes we need to trust the board but it's hard when home owners from the beginning of waterstone didn't even know about CDD. I believe that individual communities should take care of their own entrance and security, reason is it can always be adjusted on a monthly basis and make if need to. With the CDD proposal I don't think that will work like that.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Some communities have security in place as well as camera systems but that only secures your individual community. What about Waterstone Way? Many families walk or ride their bikes in the evening. Shouldn't they feel safe too! To say some don't trust the CDD board because they were not aware of the CDD is not fair. They didn't create the CDD, they are homowners like the rest of us trying to better the community.

Anonymous said...


oh wait, we don't.


Anonymous said...

It's not a bad area but one burglary in one to much, you can live anywhere (gables-doral) and it's going to happen. You can only try to prevent, from past experience the best weapon is a stablished crime watch. But this requires lots of time from homeowners.

Anonymous said...

I agree but the majority of the homeowners do not want to take part because they have no time, but somehow they find the time to criticize those that do. This area is not bad but you got it, one burglary is one too much. What about the speeding vehicle on Waterstone Way. This is a very serious issue as a child can run into the street and get hit.

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about facts. I did some research today. There are 2,269 homes in the CDD and if it will cost $400,000 a year for the security upgrade, my calculatator says that's $176.28 a year not $200. That's 14.69 a month! How did this become $200 a year. Are we really causing all this fuss for $14.69 a month when we know this will improve our home's values for so much more. Plus, if you actually listen to what is being proposed, Alex has said that he will only make this increase if the state decreases the taxes. If he keeps his word, that means we will still be paying less than last year with the extra added benifit of security.

To those who say "they are going to lose their homes," if you are going to lose your home by paying less taxes than you did last year, then you were going to lose it anyway. Blame your lender! To me this is a "no-brainer". It sounds like someone is trying to be an alarmist and put us in a panic!

Anonymous said...

I think a few on this forum commented on the fact that Waterstone homeowners should not be critical of the efforts of the CDD board, however I beg to differ because the CDD is expecting all of us to pay. IT ISN'T JUST THE ADDITIONAL $15, but all of the other taxes (valorem and non valoren), insurance, gas, etc which only seem to go up and don't keep up with earnings.

Also, we continue to discuss the $400,000.00 additional expenses, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE $826,000.00 IN PROPOSED SAVINGS as a result of the refinancing of the bonds. So technically the true expense is HIGHER.

Anonymous said...

$826,000 is for the construction of the project.

$400,000 is for the annual maintenance of the project (the guards and the equipment maintenance)

Anonymous said...

And the refinancing is either the CDD uses the $826,000 savings for a project or it lowers the average Waterstone I resident about $40 a year and the average Waterstone II resident about $20 a year. The question is would we benifit more by paying $20 or $40 a year less individually or by having a project like these guard shacks?

Anonymous said...

The problem with living in Waterstone is that this area has attracted a bunch of blue collar workers that have no vision and cannot see the big picture. The people here are first time home buyers that will always live paycheck to paycheck. If the people here knew any better they would realize that advancement, growth, and value are they way to go. You can't change the mentality of people that never had anything. If someone is going to get bent out of shape for $15 a month you should just save your commonsense. If they weren't smart enough to forsee their expenses before they moved here do you think they will be smart enough to see the value of positive enhancements in Waterstone moving forward?

Anonymous said...

Sorry that most of the hard, honest working homeowners at waterstone are not at the statue that most on you are. The $15 is not the issue here, is the trust that is not there for the CDD board. Remember that other stablished communities never had CDD and they did preatty good. We as homeowners have to realize the CDD is here to stay, but is has to be manage properly. Maybe by having a web-site and advising everyone on waterstone I & II it will help to heal on the trust that is lost at this momment. Something has to be done because having the entire community split in half, the CDD responsibilities will not get anywhere. But this is a hard working homeowner that wants to see his money be used for the right reasons.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to wait until I had my HOA meeting before I responded.

Members of Marbella Cove discussed, before, during, and after the meeting this Situation.

I had about a 10% turn out for my community.

I could not get an exact Count of households on there Feelings, due to the uproar it the question caused. For clarification, I did inform them that it was $176 and not $200.

However I can say that it was Only 1 household thought that the Soft Gates with Security Guards was a Good Idea. A Lot of people Thought that Off Duty Police was the Better Idea. But Most people Didn’t want Either; and Everyone was in agreement that they Didn’t want to have the CDD Increase the Taxes to pay for any of it.

Everyone’s Concern with the Soft Gates, including the household that wants them, Is the Traffic Backup they fear would occur. Malibu Bay was brought up many times and how with all that space between Campbell Drive and the Gate house, that it still causes backups to Campbell Drive. They pointed out that the Gate houses in Waterstone could only hold Two cars, maybe three, before they backup on Campbell Drive or 137 Ave.

The Second most concern with the Traffic Backup was regarding the School and Campbell Drive.

The Third most concern is the impression that security guards are Lax, inefficient, or don’t really care about their Jobs. They understood the Difference between Soft Gates and Hard Gates, and pointed out the crime issues that occur in Malibu.

Concerns about hiring off duty Police were also mentioned, of course the largest was if the Homestead Dept would start ignoring their regular Patrols if they knew that off-duty was present,.

The Second was why we should pay more in taxes for off-duty police if we already pay the taxes to the city for regular police.

Another Issue that everyone was in agreement with. Whichever way the CDD decides on the Issue. Marbella Cove will Keep it’s current Off-Duty Assignment. With the CDD paying for Security Guards or Off-Duty Police. Everyone wanted our Off-duty to Continue at the Same Rate.

I encouraged everyone to attend the Public Hearing so they could make their voices heard and get all the information to their satisfaction.
-Mark Reyes
Marbella Cove HOA.

Anonymous said...

Raising the CDD to cover security is completely irresponsible. First having two guards for a community this large is a waste of money. I also read that the other two board members did not vote or they simply abstained from voting or they simply did not show up for such an important meeting. The CDD board must consider all of the homeowners opinions and must take them into account. The CDD board should analize this decision

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Not getting a gated community as what were were promised would be irresponsible. Here the chance to get it and yet some are opposed.

Anonymous said...

Great Point! When I purchased my home from Primehome Builders, on their model booklets it listed gated community. I'm sure they didn't mean the useless bars in each individual community.

Anonymous said...

This IS a good point. If there was not going to be a guard, why did they waste so much money to put the fake guard house there in the first place? Was it to fool everyone into believing that there would be a guard there? Hey, I was fooled. I wonder how many others thought there was going to be a guard there?

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Here is our chance to make this happen with very little investment. The fact is we were promised a guarded entrance and we should all get what we deserve.

Anonymous said...

I am against the security proposal. There is no need for "soft" securtity guards needed at the main entrances of the community. The only thing a security guard will do is call the police. All the communities already have gates and security measures, why do we need to waste more money? Everyone has to realize, we do not live in Doral and most are the squeezed out middle class. I can't afford to have fees and taxes raised every year. Give it a break. It sounds like whoever is pushing this issue is lining their pockets with money or influence, which should be turned over to the police or ethics commission for investigation.

Anonymous said...

The soft gates are the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard. We need police presence in Waterstone. What is a flashlight cop going to do when something happens? He will call homestead anyway. Traffic is not needed. Whatever the motive is on putting these gates is selfish and this has become a dictatorship. Club houses are not being finished and other than that certain people have too much control and the only thing YOU are doing is pissing people off. Our Master may not listen and the CDD board may not listen but Help me Howard on Channel 7 will. I already called and they are ready when we are ready. I am prepared to make enough noise as possible to prevent such a stupid idea from coming into our community. Officer Patterson and the other officers have done an incredible job and have helped Waterstone in more ways than one. There is still alot of work to be done and only HOMESTEAD POLICE can do it. Not some security guards with a flash light. ANd traffic! Are you serious? Sure it's a great idea, just leve the gates up during school hours. I really wish the person that thought of this idea would of actually researched it and used logic. Well these blogs are a great idea but i plan to make noise about this. This is all of our communities. We all pay mortgage and taxes to have some selfish person come along and try to "control" Waterstone. Last time I checked this was the USA land of the free. This is a Democracy not a dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

It will be up to every indidvidual community to keep off duty if they fell the need to. This is just added security measures to prevent and deter crime. No one is moving Homestead PD away. We do need their presence. I have been here in phase two from the very beggining. Some of you know how bad it was. We were in the dark and it took a special meeting in City Hall to get things turned around, I was there. Thanks to Officer Patterson things got going very quick but he can't do this alone. Having this additional protection in conjuction with Homestead P.D. will make a big difference. It is my understanding if there was any traffic it would be for those people visiting. The residents will have thier own seperate resident entry. We can still live with those luxuries of Doral even if we are squeezed out middle class. Logically speaking, if you deter the wrong people from coming in, we will prevent any crime from taking place.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame this blog!!. This is a fight ring for Alex Diaz and Angel Garrote.
Personally I think Mr. Garrote is a very nice guy worried for a better living in our community.I have two questions:
First, Is Waterstone Way a private road? Second, when Portofino Estates will have "real" gates like other Portofinos?
I think the best way to invest the additional $400.000 will be to install gates at the entrances shelters and policemen inside.

Mark Reyes - Marbella Cove said...

Regarding Police presence in Waterstone.

I would just like to repeat. I Proposed to have Homestead PD use Office Space in the Waterstone 1 Clubhouse. The Waterstone Ad-Hoc Agreed and It will be utilized as a Satellite Station and will continue to grow as Waterstone Grows.

This effort is being put forward at NO COST to anyone in Waterstone 1 and WaterStone 2.

We will enjoy working closely together with Homestead PD to serve the Needs of our Community.

-Mark Reyes
Marbella Cove

Anonymous said...

Hello to all,

Please click on the following link and you will read the latest update on the tax relief & reform


Anonymous said...

sorry this is the right link


Anonymous said...

To the person, mislead by Prime Homes, about the gated community.SORRY,PAL, get a lawyer and sue the developer, for misrepresentation.
To the person, asking why the developers, spent the money, building a guarhouse, if nobody was to be there?? Originally, was a blueprint that involved, guardhouses, but when the developers, went to the City, the City told then, that was phisically impossible to have a guardhouse. If Malibu Bay goes to the City tommorrow, to get a permit for their existing guardhouse, under the present traffic rules from the City, THEY WILL NOT GET IT!!!!. The phone number of Planning and Zoning is at the City of Homestead Website, make a call or ask for an appoiment. Thank you Mr Garrote for this Blog, and your honest conduct. Do not let anybody intimidate you!!!. Garrote for president in 08. (Just Kidding)

Anonymous said...

Proposal: To put forward for concideration, discussion, or adoption;

Did I miss something? I keep hearing this is a proposed project? Why is everone getting so heated up? Why can't we at least wait for all the information to be presented before we all rush to judgement? You may be right. Homestead may not approve this project, but don't you think the CDD deserves the opportunity to even find out if that is the case? I've been reading all this back and forth on a PROPOSED idea. Wow, if this is how heated up everyone's going to get as soon as a proposal comes up, then the CDD does not have a chance to move forward with anything. Everyone needs to calm down....

Anonymous said...


Home Safety Equipment:
You may earn discounts when your home is protected by security equipment such as smoke detectors, dead bolt locks, burglar alarms or other safety equipment. A discount is available when living in an apartment, condo or gated community with a 24-hour security staff.

Anonymous said...

Ok Walter! Enough with the Bribing people that they will Save $$$ on their insurance! We all know your in the pocket too, How much is Alex getting out of the deal?

Anonymous said...

To anonymous, That is missing something and everyone needs to calm down....
My Brother, you have to get better informed, read the minutes of the CDD, is not such a thing as "proposed" for the CDD Board.
They took over in November, by January, they spent $ 100.000 FROM YOUR MONEY, in pavers, and fencing.
Did they ask you??? I guess not.
That story, that the developers, left $ 600000 for unfinished stuff, is Bull Crap. Call the managment company, and ask Luis Hernandez, to show you, WHERE in the financials shows, such a generosity from the developers.
They purchased, the land, and they took a Bond for 23 million dllrs, as long they own a piece of land, they have to pay NON_AD VALOREM TAX,like you and me, even if the beautifull home is not there yet.
So where the money came from??? Special Assesment,to the developers?, NOT!!!. Another fairy tale from the managment company. By the way, if the monies were lwft by Landstar on the Phase 1, why are we spending money on the Phase, that did not turnover yet.
GET INFORMED, find out wich communities got a free fence, and put facts together.
Is a Bridge in London for sale!! Want to buy??? ASk the CDD !!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you had attended the meeting you wouldn't be so confused. If you would have had the right Board before phase I turnover they could've made the developers pay for the pavers and any other missing items but again people never get involved or give out any of thier free time but somehow find the time to criticize those that do!!! Keep your comments to yourself as they are getting old.

Anonymous said...

They Pavers Just needed to be repaired! not replaced!!!!! why replace CONCRETE PAVERS with CLAY PAVERS?!?!?!??!?!

they are already cracking! what a waste. makes me sad...

Anonymous said...

You know trailer parks don't have paver projects. Maybe you should go back?

Anonymous said...

To Everyone,

After serious consideration, I would like to publicly apologize for my negative comments toward Mr. Angel Garrote in a previous posting. Although we my have our differences of opinion, there was no excuse for my actions to that regard. I would also like to apologize to my fellow residents for contributing to the divisive environment that may have been created by said actions. Our community issues should never be about personal conflicts.

Inevitably, there will differences of opinion; however, I recognized that we MUST put our personal feelings aside if we are to move forward with the progress of this great community. I would like to create a system where we can accurately gage the direction of the majority of homeowners and follow that direction. I have asked our management to expedite the process of establishing our website and newsletter. I am also suggesting that before we commit to any project over $50,000 that it be discussed at a town hall meeting and voted on by the homeowners before consideration by the board.

Please understand that we are ALL looking out for the best interest of this community, but that does not always mean that cutting costs is the answer. Sometimes you do have to invest in order to get a larger return or risk losing it all. To all those who doubt that we can make this another “Coral Gables” or “Doral” I feel sorry for your lack of vision and optimism.

There is no great solution to any problem, but it really is unjust to simply discard or discredit a proposed solution when no one has had the opportunity to even prepare the project figures.

I’ve been reading these blogs recently and I have noted that some have made this proposal to be some kind of insult to the Homestead PD. To the contrary, I have personally commended the Homestead PD on four separate occasions. The dedication of Officer Cliff Paterson and Major Kennedy in particular have been instrumental in the reduction of our crime concerns thus far. Our proposal in no way was meant to discredit their hard work and dedication. This proposal was simply a business decision designed to provide a “long-term” solution to our security and safety concerns. Many of you e-mailed me and clearly expressed that we (as a District) should not be paying extra monies for police services when we already contribute so much to the Homestead City budget. With that said, we proposed the idea of the three guardhouses IN CONJUCTION WITH the assigned Homestead police officers. We need to be patient and see if this proposed idea can even be realized. Even I recognized from the beginning that there are MANY obstacles with this proposed project; however, like any other proposal, we must at least try to address the concerns of the community. Anything less would render us ineffective. I continue to ask that you e-mail me with your questions and concerns and hope that all of us can respect our differences.


Alexander Diaz de Villegas, Chairman
South Dade Venture Community Development District

Anonymous said...

Clap, Clap, Clap.

What a novel idea, find out if the city will allow us us to get the guard houses FIRST, THAN RAISE OUR TAXES!!!!

maybe if you would have done that first, we wouldn't be so pissed.

can i have my promised refund on the refiance now??? no? yeah I figured.

also, If you want security to work with homestead police, than why do you keep pushing to have us replace them with golf cart security.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone se a conflict with having the same resident hold all of the primary seats in all of the boards? CDD, Master ext. Does this ensure that we have proper representation?

Anonymous said...

If what you mean is like in Phase II, that the same person, is the Chairman of the CDD, the Chairman of the Master II, and of course President of his Association. I believed, that represent a serious problem.
On the "NON REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER" fencing project. Portofino Oaks, got a new fence, for free, with everybody monies, when some associations, paid for they own, and still waiting for a refund.
A report made by an Engineer, that shows what is required to turnover.
The reason why, some communities, have fencing and some don't. is because different developers, had different styles. Some required wood fence, some chain link.

Anonymous said...

Ai, The fence is a piece of crap. it's already destroyed in two locations on waterstoneway for the past 2 weeks.

shouldn't it be fixed by now? shouldn't their at least be yellow safty tape. hey mister police man, don't you have some yellow tape????

Anonymous said...

Wow, I get the impression someo
ne really has issues with cops. I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

As a Portofino Estates homeowner I know first hand about Angel Garrote's hidden agenda and political aspirations. Keys Gate and Waterstone will have a commission seat next election! Mr. Garrote served as community association president and ruffled many feathers within the community. I have email from a year ago in which Angel Garrote (Homestead for Sale) suffered a meltdown and personally accused and slandered fellow board members. This man cannot be trusted! I agree with many of you in lowering the CDD, we do not need an increase and those are the FACTS resonating throughout this message board. Do not be mislead people, Angel will be running for the newly formed commission seat next election with only his vested interest at heart.

Anonymous said...

Was Angel not removed from his own HOA board? Or am I mistaken? Do we need to find out why before we listen to what he has to say? Why do Angel and Alex have a problem with each other? Who has more to gain from this War we are contributing to?

Angel-Waterstone said...

Anyone having any personal questions or clarifications is welcome to contact me directly. Angel Garrote 305-525-3631 Angel@HomesteadForSale.com

P.S. I served my 1 yr term on the Portofino Estates Board and did not run for a second term.

Anonymous said...

Non of that Makes ANY Sense.

Yes Angel has a political agenda, So what. why do people keep bringing that up? Lets think for a minute. Lets use our brains. lets ask ourselves a very simple question.

What political gain will Angel make by pissing everyone off with this website? NONE! he is not doing this to piss people off. Ask yourself why we are not notified when a CDD meeting Occurs, where is the CDD news Letter? CDD website? This was SUPPOSE to change when we elected residents.

Angel has done nothing but keep us informed. He has just presented us with knowledge, non Biased or slanted. it's up to us to decided how to use that knowledge.

we gave the current homestead city council another chance last election, by a very slim margin. Has the council learned anything? NO! they continue to screw up. we can't allow people to be elected that are currently close to the bad apples on the council, they look after their own affairs rather than ours. time for a change. it's time for someone who cares. its time for someone like Angel.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The CDD meetings are on every 4th Thursday of the month. Please don't spend our tax monies on meeting reminders because people can't remember something as simple as that. If Angel really cares than the questions posted on this website should include full details. i.e. How do the Waterstone homeowners feel the money would best be spent?

Hire three 24-hour uniformed security guards, one located at each of the three soft gates.

Hire two 24-hour uniformed off-duty Homestead police officers with marked patrol cars.

Neither, I do not want to pay more in Non-Ad Valorem taxes.

Wow! What a surprise, everyone would rather not spend any money. Has anyone explain the benefit of this proposal? If more details are given with the advantages and disadvantages of the proposals then we wouldn't have so much confusion and misleading information getting passed around. All this website is doing is breaking this community apart. It needs to be fair for all the residents in Waterstone to get the truth and not other peoples interpretations on what they believe is the truth.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is so quick to judge but its funny how everyone posts anonymous blogs. If your points are so valid then why must you hide behind them? If you are not willing to post your name then do not waste everyone's time and post nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Angel Garrote maybe it is time you came clean about your tenure as Portofino Estates HOA. Is the aformentioned email non existent or have you conveniently forgotten? Do some of you feel better posting your name when no one knows or cares who you are!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why contact you personally? If you have nothing to hide let everyone reading know the truth.

Please, who ever said "political agenda, so what" you need to get a clue. We want to know the agenda.

By the way you said"time for a change.it's time for someone who cares. it's time for someone like Angel". Are you his campaign manager?

As far as when the CDD meetings
occur, I beleive they let people know at the end of the last meeting. But we didn't all show up for that one either. Did we???????

Anonymous said...

Legislature passes property tax cut proposal


Insurance Reduction.........Check

Tax Reduction...............Check

Crime/Traffic Reduction.....?????

Anonymous said...

lets see @ 9% discount, i will save about $174 in taxes.

wow, just enough to pay for the increase in CDD taxes. guess i get no relief for 2007-2008

Anonymous said...

No but you will get $400,000 security guards.

Anonymous said...

Do you want to know what your potential tax break might be? Try this:


Anonymous said...

It is a crime that Homestead does not provide adequate police protection for the tax dollars that are collected in Waterstone.
That being said, we the residents of Waterstone must protect our homes and families. I use the walk path on Waterstone Way twice a day. Waterstone Way is a dangerous streatch of road where people speed and risk our welfare. The constant roving police may have a chance to put a stop to this.

Anonymous said...

All that has been proposed to help Waterstone progress sounds great (except the boat storage) only if its acquired thru the Tax's already paid to the City (Property Tax & CDD). Its the least the City could do with all the funds they have received from The Waterstone Community. I believe instead of trying to find ways on how to make funds available via the homeowners, to do certain things as in more security for the area, we should pressure the City to provide such services. Trust me if this continuers the way its going... Well, Andrew made of Homestead a Ghost Town and this time it will be thanks to Hurricane named "Council of Homestead"
I just hope a resolution to all this comes in soon.

Concerned neighbor
Waterstone II

Anonymous said...

Well, with exception of the boat storage, all that has been proposed to help Waterstone progress sounds great, only if its acquired thru the Tax's already paid to the City (Property Tax & CDD). Its the least the City could do with all the funds they have received from The Waterstone Community. I believe instead of trying to find ways on how to make funds available via homeowners to do certain things as in more security for the area, we should pressure the City to provide such services. Trust me if this continuers the way its going... Well, Andrew made of Homestead a Ghost Town and this time it will be thanks to Hurricane named "Council of Homestead"

Concerned neighbor
Waterstone II